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Strada Easel 30 Day Challenge, September 2018


Every September, Strada easel presents a 30 day challenge to artists from all around the world. Completion of the challenge makes one eligible for a drawing at after the end of the month for a new Strada easel of your choice.

The rules to be eligible for the drawing are that you must complete a painting or drawing each of the 30 days in the month, and that it must be done from life. Using the #stradaeasel for each post is the monitoring system.

This challenge is one I am most proud of accomplishing, completed while working full time. It was an exhausting yet fulfilling month. More than anything, proving to myself - “I got this”. Not allowing anything to keep from reaching new heights and goals. I often painted on lunch breaks and after work to make this happen. This became a regular practice moving forward.

Leave it to chance, the opportunity created by hard work, my name was the first drawn from the candidates around the world, and I was the lucky winner of one of five Strada Easel give-aways! That stuff never happens to me, or so I thought?! Most of the paintings from this challenge can be seen in the galleries. These shown here are a few of the more interesting as they show the round the clock painting required to complete the challenge!

Bryan Mark Taylor, Strada Easel Designer / owner & acclaimed artist; having pulled my name for a free easel on FB live!

Bryan Mark Taylor, Strada Easel Designer / owner & acclaimed artist; having pulled my name for a free easel on FB live!

"THE LIGHT ON FOR YOU" Rocky River, OH - 5x7

"THE LIGHT ON FOR YOU" Rocky River, OH - 5x7

"MITCHELL’S ICE CREAM" Rocky River, OH - 10x8

"MITCHELL’S ICE CREAM" Rocky River, OH - 10x8

"DAY 26, NEED I SAY MORE?" 15x11

"DAY 26, NEED I SAY MORE?" 15x11